Leave the Leaven Behind

Posted by : KingsKidz | Sunday, April 4, 2010 | Published in

Here are my notes from bible study
The title of the lesson was "Leave the Leaven Behind"

In the book of Exodus, the children of Israel had been told to slay a lamb without blemish and put its blood on the doorposts of their homes so that the death angel would pass over them and their first-born sons wouldn't be killed by the death angel (Exodus 3-10). So we see that the shedding of the blood provided salvation from the death angel. Then they were instructed to make bread with no yeast in it (unleavened bread) and move quickly. Of course we know that yeast represents evil and sin. When the children of Israel were out of bondage they were instructed to have the feast of the Passover, which was to take 1 day. They were also instructed to have the feast of unleavened bread (again NO YEAST). This feast was to take 7 days. 7 represents perfection, protection, maturity, and God's perfect #, and life's journey. So symbolically for life's journey they were to have unleavened bread. This relates to us because first of all we have the shed blood of the lamb (Jesus) that is our salvation. We are then saved and are to put off the yeast or sin from our lives for a period of 7 days (life's journey). We are as Nazarites (a royal priesthood) in a period of sanctification. The Nazarite was in a period where he needed to be able to CLEARLY hear from God so it was important that anything that would blur this communication was to be put off. Yeast is a fungi that eats sugar and produces ethanol (an alcohol) that creates wine and liquor. This would render someone off kilter or dazed and not allow him or her to hear clearly from God when people came to them with a question about God. Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine. But if we look at the account we'll see that the men who were already drinking noticed that the wine was the best wine (John 2). In other words they understood the difference in the wine that Jesus made. Instead of being more dazed they were enlightened which is what Jesus does for us. When the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit people thought that they were drunk but they were filled with the new wine (the Holy Spirit). In numbers when the Nazarite vow was complete, he could get drunk and when our vow is over (our 7 day life journey) and we go to heaven we will be able to get drunk but the bible says that flesh and blood won't inherit the kingdom so it won't be the same wine that we have down here. It will be the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that He wouldn't drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes (Mark 14:25). We also don’t drink but we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  When we get to heaven we will be able to celebrate with the new wine, which is the Holy Spirit.

God Bless you all,

Minister J.J. White

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