In this week's lesson of the 40 Days of Community, the lesson was about growing together. Together we learned about the requirements of growing together. One of the requirements of growing together is patience with one another. Another requirement for us to grow together is truthfulness with one another about our likes and dislikes. Pastor Rick Warren gives is a few tools that we can use in order to be truthful with one another. The first tool is to check your motives. It is important that we speak the truth in love for the right reasons, not to hurt one another or to boost ourselves. The next step is to plan our presentation by planning when we will say what we need to say, planning what we will say, and by planning how we will say it. Pastor Warren says that we need to pray and tell the truth tactfully. We need to speak lovingly and gently. Finally, growing together requires forgiveness. It is so important that we learn to forgive one another. This forgiveness is not only for the person who has done wrong but it is also for the person who has been done wrong to. Let's grow together people.
God Bless,
Min. JJ White III
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