New AirMax 95

Posted by : KingsKidz | Wednesday, April 28, 2010 | Published in

I saw one of my students with the orange version of these sneakers and it took my mind back to the first AirMax that I ever had. I can remember the orange, white, and black AirMax that comfortably fit my feet. I didn't even have to tie them, they just fit so nicely. I know that they are expensive but I may have to bite the bullet and get them.  They feel as though you are walking on pillows and they are bad on the eyes either.  Who knows, I may get Kings Kidz stitched somewhere in them.  Wouldn't that be cool?  Remember people, keep your sneakers clean and they'll last for years, trust me I know.

God Bless, 
Min. JJ White III 

Nothing Is Impossible!!!

Posted by : KingsKidz | Sunday, April 25, 2010 | Published in

Hey young people, check out this new clip from King's Kidz TV.
God Bless,
Min. JJ White III

Reaching Out Together

Posted by : KingsKidz | Thursday, April 22, 2010 | Published in

                                                Hello young people,
This week’s edition of the Purpose Driven Community program by Rick Warren was about reaching out to the community. It spoke about various things that we need to do in order to prepare for community outreach.  In his outline, Pastor Warren conveys the message that we need to first recognize the need that people have.  Then we should take an inventory of what we already have that we can offer to help in whatever way we can.  Next we should get organized.  This is an important step because we want to be efficient in our efforts.  We need to prepare our hearts.  It is vital to our service that our hearts are in what we do.  Remember God looks at our hearts.  Finally, we need to be available.  There are so many of us who are gifted and talented by God.  We must be willing to use these gifts and talents whenever God calls for them.  Think of something that you can do this week to make a positive difference in someone’s life.  I guarantee that in the process, your life will be changed as well. 

God Bless you,

Min. JJ White 

Avatar is Finally Here!!!

Posted by : KingsKidz | Tuesday, April 20, 2010 | Published in

Just in case you haven't seen it, it's finally here.  Avatar comes out on Blu Ray and DVD this Thursday.  I loved the visual effects, the story line, and the action sequences.  You can believe that I will add this to the visual entertainment library.  Maybe we'll do a youth movie night and explore the concepts portrayed in the movie to our daily lives as ambassadors for Christ in this world.  Stay tuned.

Min. JJ White III


Posted by : KingsKidz | Thursday, April 15, 2010 | Published in

I GOT A TESTIMONY!!!!....Back in Nov. 2009 I had been rushed to the ER, experiencing the worst headache and body pain ever. My ER bill was a little over $1800.00. No job and on top of my other bills I had no idea how I was going to pay it. I applied for financial assistance thru the hospital and I kept praying. They gave me discount and took about $500 off, bringing it down to a little over $1200. I put $20 on it for the first time this month and I just recieved a letter in the mail showing there was an adjustment to my account. I called the hospital and found out they had given me a 91% discount!!! My balance that I owed was only $93.55!!! I just paid it off a few minutes ago but OMG, AIN'T GOD AWESOME!!!!! I couldn't help but cry and I began to thank/praise him!....Believe that God can do anything y'all! 

God Bless, 

Sis. Tiffany Poteat

The New Karate Kid - Summer 2010

Posted by : KingsKidz | | Published in

I don't know if you have ever seen the original Karate Kid but it is a classic story of a teen 
who moves into a new neighborhood and gets picked on by a neighborhood big shot. 
He befriends a local Sensei (Japanese Karate instructor), learns Karate (while practically
becoming the teacher's slave), and defeats the big shot in a martial arts tournament.  
This summer, Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan are remaking the
movie. Take a look at the trailer and tell me what you think.
God Bless,
Min. JJ White III

40 Days of Community- week 1

Posted by : KingsKidz | Tuesday, April 13, 2010 | Published in

This week our church started our journey into the 40 days of community.  This campaign will be a time of connecting together, growing together, serving together, sharing together, and worshipping together.  This week in our small groups we talked about What Matters Most.  Ultimately, the thing that matters most is love.  People all over the world have given us many definitions of what they perceive love to be, however, there is always something missing.  This is why so many people are looking for love in all the wrong places.  The Bible shows us that love is a command (John 13:34), love is a choice (I Corinthians 14:1), love is a conduct (I John 3:18), and love is a commitment (I John 4:16).  My charge to you this week is to go and SHOW someone that you love them. 1 Corinthians 14:1 says to “Go after a life of love as if your life depended on it-because it does.”  So go do it people!!!  God bless you.

Min J.J. White III

Oh How He Loves Us - Kim Walker

Posted by : KingsKidz | | Published in

Prayer Changes Things

Posted by : KingsKidz | Tuesday, April 6, 2010 | Published in

Hello everyone, I wanted to share a testimony about the greatness of God.  Thursday I received a very distressing phone call from a coworker and friend of mine.  He stated that his father was very sick and that the doctor told his mother to call everyone to come to the hospital in Florida so that they could be around for his father's last moments.  I felt bad for him and all I knew to do was to pray.  We prayed together on the phone and believed that God would answer prayer.  The prayer was that the will of God would be done.  He went to Florida where his father had an 80/30 something blood pressure.  He was septic and he had an infection at 80+ years of age.  I spoke to my friend when he had arrived and he said that when he saw his father he was unconscious.  I told him to prepare his father spiritually for heaven and to read Romans 10:9 to him.  He said that he did.  The next time that we spoke he said that his father was moving in a positive direction and that his blood pressure had raised significantly.  This time he asked that we pray again which we did.  This morning I walked into work preparing to leave a lesson for my friend's class and he was there.  He said that his father was talking to him by the time that he left Florida.  He attributed his father's recovery to the power of prayer.  I thank God for revealing himself over and over again.  He is so wonderful.

God Bless you, 

Minister JJ White III

Watch What You Eat

Posted by : KingsKidz | Monday, April 5, 2010 | Published in

         In Luke 4:4 and Matthew 4:4 we see that Satan is in the desert tempting Jesus.  The Bible says that Jesus was led into desert to be tempted by the devil.  This lets us know that none of us are exempt from being tempted.  Think about the fact that Jesus Christ himself was tempted.  This means that he was tried and the devil was trying to get him to do something wrong. 
There are some key principals that we can take from this conversation between Jesus and the devil. First of all Jesus knew who he was dealing with.  When you are out and about and someone tries to entice you to do something that you know is wrong, know who you are dealing with.  You are dealing with the evil spirit of the enemy.  The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8 that Satan is as a roaring lion seeking who he may devour.  So the devil is trying his best to get as many people to do wrong as he can so that they can join him in hell.  So when your buddy tries to get you to do something that you know is wrong, think about the fact that they are under the influence of Satan and that Satan is who is really trying to get you to sin. 
         Another thing that we see is that Jesus knows his stuff.  Jesus is so filled with the word of God that when Satan tries to come at him with these temptations, Jesus knows how to combat him.  Jesus knows what the laws and the readings of that day were and he was able to talk his way out of the situation that he was in because of his knowledge.  This is something that will help you in your daily walk.  Know your word. The word of God is life and it is something that will keep The Bible says that man cannot live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.  This means that it is not enough to eat the natural food that we eat but we must eat the word of God.  You may ask how to eat words.  The way that we eat words or take in words is by reading the word of God.  We also must listen to those who God has placed in front of us who will deliver the word of truth to us. 
         Another thing that I noticed about this conversation is that although Jesus was tempted with gaining the whole world, he didn’t want it if it meant that he had to bow down to the devil.  Jesus would rather starve and hunger than to follow the devil.  This is how we need to be.  We need to have a mindset that says that we will now bow down to the enemy for any reason.  We need to stand for God through the good times in our lives and the bad times in our lives.
         Jesus also didn’t abuse his power.  Jesus could have turned the stones into bread.  He could have also called down angels to protect and save him.  He could have quenched his hunger and thirst on his own but he didn’t abuse his power.  This lets me know that even though there are situations where I have the power or the ability to do something this doesn’t always mean that I need to do them.  For example, just because I can take something from someone doesn’t mean that I should take it.  This is a great responsibility that we have as men.  As men we must know when to use our power and when not to.  We must know when to do things and when not to.  The Bible calls this temperance. 
         In our society today there are so many things that we feed ourselves in the same way that the devil was trying to feed Jesus.  There are so many distractions and things that could easily send us down the path to destruction.  My plea to you brothers and sisters is that you watch what you eat.  Watch what you put into your body.  Watch what you listen to, watch who you listen to.  Think about the fact that if you eat garbage, you will surely die and in the same manner, if you eat garbage that the world has for you, you will also die.  There is so much filth on television and on the radio.  Companies spend millions and billions of dollars just to get you to eat the trash that they create.  But what they don’t tell you is that the stuff that they sell is not good for you.  The stuff that they sell is only benefiting them.  This year, make a vow to be careful of what you put into your mind.  Be careful not to listen to negative thoughts and people that tell you that you can’t do something or that you are worth nothing.  Fill yourself with things that are good and things that are pure.  These are the things that will keep you when you are in a tight situation.  These are the things that will feed you when you feel that you have nothing left. 
         I have come not only to feed you physical food but to also feed you spiritual food.  This is the food that is the word of God.  This is the food that will “stick to your bones”.  This is the food that you can depend on to kick in when you need it.  If you want an endless supply of this food let me put you on to my supplier.  My supplier is Jesus.  He is the one who feeds me when I need to be fed and he wants to do the same thing for you.  He wants you to come to the dinner table and eat with him.  He wants to feed you to a point where you don’t want any of the evil that the devil has for you to eat.  Come to him right now.

Apple iPad

Posted by : KingsKidz | | Published in

It's finally here folks, the much awaited iPad from Apple is finally here.  This new gadget has been rumored to be the gadget that will eliminate the need for the Kindle,, and PC computers altogether.  I have had the opportunity to play with it and I am amazed at the functionality of the apps that it has so far.  You can actually play a touch screen piano on it.  The iLibrary seems sort of limited so far, however, the salesman says that they hope to expand in the future.  I wonder if Pastor will let us use it for the Bible in church. LOL!!!

God Bless,

Min. JJ White III

Nike Air Force 1 Black Patent

Posted by : KingsKidz | Sunday, April 4, 2010 | Published in

These Nike AF1's are off the hook, they aren't out yet but when they do come out, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll have by eye on them.  My oh my.  You can find them and other gear at

Live CD Recording

Posted by : KingsKidz | | Published in

Hey young people,
Don't forget that this upcoming weekend there will be a live CD recording. Saturday April 10, at 6:00 PM, Jay Eason and Rebirth will be recording their CD at Latter Rain Christian Fellowship on 3200 Main St in Hartford, CT. Tickets are $10 in advance/$15 at the door. For more info call 860-209-0876 or 860-538-6794. Get ready to be blessed.

Leave the Leaven Behind

Posted by : KingsKidz | | Published in

Here are my notes from bible study
The title of the lesson was "Leave the Leaven Behind"

In the book of Exodus, the children of Israel had been told to slay a lamb without blemish and put its blood on the doorposts of their homes so that the death angel would pass over them and their first-born sons wouldn't be killed by the death angel (Exodus 3-10). So we see that the shedding of the blood provided salvation from the death angel. Then they were instructed to make bread with no yeast in it (unleavened bread) and move quickly. Of course we know that yeast represents evil and sin. When the children of Israel were out of bondage they were instructed to have the feast of the Passover, which was to take 1 day. They were also instructed to have the feast of unleavened bread (again NO YEAST). This feast was to take 7 days. 7 represents perfection, protection, maturity, and God's perfect #, and life's journey. So symbolically for life's journey they were to have unleavened bread. This relates to us because first of all we have the shed blood of the lamb (Jesus) that is our salvation. We are then saved and are to put off the yeast or sin from our lives for a period of 7 days (life's journey). We are as Nazarites (a royal priesthood) in a period of sanctification. The Nazarite was in a period where he needed to be able to CLEARLY hear from God so it was important that anything that would blur this communication was to be put off. Yeast is a fungi that eats sugar and produces ethanol (an alcohol) that creates wine and liquor. This would render someone off kilter or dazed and not allow him or her to hear clearly from God when people came to them with a question about God. Jesus' first miracle was to turn water into wine. But if we look at the account we'll see that the men who were already drinking noticed that the wine was the best wine (John 2). In other words they understood the difference in the wine that Jesus made. Instead of being more dazed they were enlightened which is what Jesus does for us. When the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit people thought that they were drunk but they were filled with the new wine (the Holy Spirit). In numbers when the Nazarite vow was complete, he could get drunk and when our vow is over (our 7 day life journey) and we go to heaven we will be able to get drunk but the bible says that flesh and blood won't inherit the kingdom so it won't be the same wine that we have down here. It will be the Holy Spirit. Jesus said that He wouldn't drink of the fruit of the vine until the kingdom of God comes (Mark 14:25). We also don’t drink but we are filled with the Holy Spirit.  When we get to heaven we will be able to celebrate with the new wine, which is the Holy Spirit.

God Bless you all,

Minister J.J. White


Posted by : KingsKidz | Friday, April 2, 2010 | Published in

Hey brothers and sisters in the gospel, this is our first blog on The Kings Kidz blog. It is a blog created to introduce you to all of the fun, exciting, and spiritually uplifting things that are available to you in your Christian walk. Isn't it so cool to be saved. I love it. We will have music updates, fashion updates, bible lessons, and more as a part of this blog. So tell your neighbors and tell your friends about the goodness of Jesus, then let them know where they can go to get the latest news in the awesome Kingdom of God. Remember, you are a child of the King (John 1:12). God Bless you.

Minister J.J. White III
